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WELCOME to the Wise Minds, Wild Hearts podcast.

I’m your host, Kip Clarke, and I’m delighted you’re here!  Each week I’ll be talking about all the juice fabulosity that comes with living a fun, fulfilling, and MAGNIFICENT life in our gorgeous middle years.  We’ll have some laughs, we’ll learn some stuff, and we’ll create some sparkly inspiration as we go.

You deserve to have great relationships, a healthy body, a sense of purpose, greater impact, and a happy, confident outlook again.

So, if you’ve been feeling that your very Soul has been crying out for greater joy, connection, and adventure, you’re definitely in the right place.  This is YOUR time to shine and to make your own goals and dreams a priority again.

I can’t wait to see what we can create together!

Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss a single episode!

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